B&W Swings on a Playground
episode 64 | Nov 30, 2021
Law Enforcement/Military

Ep. 64: International Child Recovery

Jay Jordan treats every child recovery case like the child is his own and will stop at nothing to find them. From daring cross border extractions to enlisting the Cypriot mafia, Jay is getting the job done where others are unable.
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Travis Bader: [00:00:00] I'm Travis Bader, and this is the Silvercore podcast. Join me as I discuss matters related to hunting, fishing, and outdoor pursuits with the people in businesses that comprise the community. If you're a new to Silvercore, be sure to check out our website, www.Silvercore.ca we can learn more about courses, services and products that we offer as well as how you can join the silver Corp club, which includes 10 million in north America, wide liability insurance to ensure you are properly covered during your outdoor adventures.

[00:00:43] Today, I'm joined by a man who over a long career has acquired a very specific set of skills. The hunting we'll be talking about in this episode is that of the two legged variety and the world of international child. I'm joined by the owner of Pegasus ops, which locates and rescues, missing and kidnapped children worldwide.

[00:01:01] Welcome to the Silvercore podcast. Jay Jordan

Jay Jordan: [00:01:08] J 

Travis Bader: [00:01:09] like this is not an occupation for the faint of heart. I mean, w what is your background and how did you get into this line of work? 

Jay Jordan: [00:01:19] I think in general, the majority of things that I've ever got into in life, apart from the military, I fell into it. It's like the universe has just brought everything together and pulled me in a direction that I was supposed to go to.

[00:01:34] But I'm nine years old. I knew I wanted to join the military. Um, I joined the military at 16. Um, when I was in the military, I served the Northern islands cost of OCR, the rack operational tours. And there was always this thing inside me that the army was never enough. So when I got out the army being the boisterous lab that I was, I ended up, I ended up taking all my savings from the army and, uh, and blowing them.

[00:02:02] And when I went over to Milan, stayed in Milan for a good few months, then I was living over there, not the place for an ex young soldier to, uh, to hang around considering they spend millions teaching us how to party and drink like 10 and 10 euros a drink over there. It was crazy. No kidding. Uh, so, uh, so my savings didn't last very long anyway, but, um, I ended up coming back to the UK and, uh, when I was back in the UK, Um, I ended up living on the streets for a bit.

[00:02:34] It didn't phase me in any way whatsoever. I started writing my book. I had ambitions. I always knew that I wanted to go somewhere and do something bigger than what I was doing anyway. And, uh, when I was, when I was on the streets, this is like a very long story. Can then extend to a very short period of time.

[00:02:54] I used to check my emails at the local library. That's pretty much the only place I would hang out really. Right. I received an email from one of the lads in the army. They, uh, they got in touch. Tell me that there's a, contract's going out in Iraq. So I sent off an email. I didn't even know how to write a CV.

[00:03:12] That's how bad it was at the time. I was 22 at the time when I got out. 

Travis Bader: [00:03:21] And you're living on the streets for how long? 

Jay Jordan: [00:03:23] Yeah, six months I was on the streets. Yeah, wait, wait, wait and see. But I mean, you know, I used to beg for a couple of quid. I'd go down to the local Boozer, which wasn't far from where I was sleeping anyway.

[00:03:38] And then I talked to all the old veterans down there and then, uh, and then that's been that, that, so it's been my debts and it always made them for a good night.

Travis Bader: [00:03:49] Yeah. That's not too bad, too bad. We get the best of what you got.

Jay Jordan: [00:03:53] Oh, you go. Yeah. But when it came to the fact of, uh, of sending this email off, I literally, um, commence my entire army career into a full line paragraph. Um, asking if you're going to jobs going basically, uh, I didn't think anything of it didn't think anything would come of it less than a 24 hour period.

[00:04:13] I had an email in my inbox. I'm saying that certain person was going to call me. Um, and again, I still, it still didn't register. I didn't know what the job was. I didn't know what I was applying for. I just knew that I'd emailed somebody asking for a job in Iraq, that's all in. And then, uh, I ended up, uh, going with my best mate from school.

[00:04:33] I was helping him navigate through, uh, for Birmingham city whilst he was doing deliveries. And this, this signal was really, really bad. So, uh, as we, as we, as we're driving down the motorway and we're just about to come off into some country roads where the signal is reading by the see that I've got missed call, um, being the young lad that I was and being a little.

[00:04:54] Um, child and the mentality of a child,

[00:05:01] it turned out that it was, um, a previous regimental Sergeant major, the SAS, and then that military training kicks in and my heart drops thinking I've just got off. I'm not in anymore, but that was inside my head. Oh no, no, you definitely don't. And that's, that's the type of bloke, no matter what age you are, you will always stand to attention.

[00:05:27] He gets on the phone to me. He calls him by turns around and says, uh, I'll have a ticket for you within a week. This is what's going to happen. These people are going to get in touch with you. And when you get in country, I'm going to help you write a CV. So I was like, oh, it looks like. Wow, that took me on a wild adventure.

[00:05:45] I really, um, I spent eight years over in Iraq as a private contractor. Uh, and it was none of sorry, five years in Iraq as a private contractor. Um, it was crazy. The minute I landed at the airport and the rock, I, again, I still didn't know what the job was. I didn't know what I was doing that I also knew was that I was going from one country to another country.

[00:06:07] And I know how to shoot. That's literally, always on my mind, I get picked up at the airport. I got picked up at the airport and I'm the operations manager for the company pixels up. They look at me because I was 22 years old, skinny little kid in their eyes because the average. Of, uh, of the guys that were out there at the time, it was anywhere between 35 to 45.

[00:06:30] We even had like 65, 75 year old Vietnam vets out there. And they really, these guys are like, seriously, it makes of Americans. We had a lot of south African, like the old school, South Africa mercenaries that used to go into countries in Africa and Dakota, tars and all this sort of stuff. Big burly blokes around me looking like a stick.

[00:06:52] And they're like looking at me thinking there's going to be some.

[00:06:58] So they throw a body armor. It made it for, uh, a weapon. I mean, AK 47 and asked me if I knew how to use it. And I was like, yeah. And it threw me in a vehicle. And then next thing you know, we're driving down the road, uh, brew Irish from the airport over to the green zone. And there's a vehicle in front and it's like ramen cars off the road.

[00:07:14] You've got vehicle behind us, which is coming up on the side of us and it's doing all the blocking drills to protect this vehicle. And that was probably the first initial moment where I realized I was getting into something. I had no clue what it was about. And it was like those thoughts that were inside my head.

[00:07:31] It was a case of what the fuck are you got yourself into? Didn't have a clue. What was. I didn't totally, it was weird. It really was. And even to this day, I mean, that was in 2004. Um, even in 2016, me and my mate took on a contract down in Jackie, in Afghanistan, and we both got there and we was both going, what are we actually doing here?

[00:07:56] Because we did exactly the same thing, took a job, not knowing what it was, just knowing where we're going and that's it. It was great. It's, it's mental, how it all worked out. But I get taken over to, uh, to the green zone is around lunchtime. We don't have our ID cards issued or anything like that. DOD cards for the U S places to go into the USD Fox.

[00:08:15] And, uh, then, uh, we go down to a cafe called the green zone cafe. This is a tin shack building. That's all it is. Uh, they sell pizzas, stuff like that. Um, plastic tables, plastic chairs. Standing there, we will do a pizza and all you hear was like free frumps free mortars. We launched into the end. Everyone took them one of these plastic tables.

[00:08:39] And I remember clear as day that the first thought that came through my head, this is like within an hour of actually being in country now to start this new job. And the third, the first thought that was inside my head is why are they underneath plastic tables? I couldn't, I couldn't understand it. The concept of them being in the plastic tables was more shocking to me than the fact that we got free mortars in the sky heading towards us right now, the first one explodes.

[00:09:06] And it's like close enough. The second one's a lot closer. And then the guy that I was with was a guy called Louis. Really good mate of mine. He was, he ended up dying out there. He did, unfortunately. It turns around to me and another guy that had just flown and he said, uh, it's either going to hit us or it's going to just go over us.

[00:09:23] I was standing there still thinking, what are these guys on the plastic tables and jazz are, why are we still standing there? But because I was because I was like 22 years old and these guys were these guys. Hawk, or you can see that, you know, when you get a look into someone, you can see it. And me as young, I would still consider myself a kid at that age, to be honest with a mentality, I had to leave in the army and looking at these guys.

[00:09:47] I was like, I'm not, I'm not moving. I'm not, I'm not doing anything. I'm not going to move until that bloat tells me to move. I'm not going to do anything until that book tells me to do. And he just couldn't believe it. The third one hits, it goes just over us. And then everybody stands up from underneath these tables and chairs and Bomba start the building.

[00:10:04] The building is now completely empty before we went in there, there was no tables and chairs to sit. Let me just goes over, picks up a chair, sits down and waits for his pizza to be delivered. And I was like, this is, this is, this is unreal. What's going on here. But as I went through the process of being over there and I spent five years.

[00:10:21] And I excelled and excelled for every single stage that I went through. Um, you get to see how that does change you as a person, how that grows you as a person, because then you're the one that's standing there picking people up from the airport and have they come in and go through the same experiences.

[00:10:38] Yeah, I started up doing that. And then, uh, end of 2008, I left the road. I went over to west Africa. Um, I did a bit of maritime on the merchant ships, which was pretty terrible, um, in the Gulf of Aden, uh, against Somali pirates, never had any contacts myself on that for the journalism themselves were more horrendous in the fact of the conditions that you live in living on the, in the way that you're treated by the actual officers within those ships.

[00:11:05] Uh, so it really wasn't for me.

[00:11:12] Yeah, it was a, it was sporadic. So they'd get shipped. I'd go out, I'll go out for two weeks and I come back and then I might be on a different contract while the waiting around for an of the ship. So, and that was going through the period of, uh, end of 2008 through to the beginning of 2010. Really did that pay.

Travis Bader: [00:11:35] Yeah. 

Jay Jordan: [00:11:36] Oh, a hundred percent. It pays the bills. It was literally free money. You're going to stand on the ship. I mean, you can literally do anything you want. As long as you do your duties on the ship. The majority of the time you end up working out a wall shoe on duty anyway, because you're still on the bridge doing it.

[00:11:52] And then you use the bars and the railings and stuff like that. And then the food you're just dropping weight and getting ripped. Anyway, it was mad and he had to pay good money for it. So, uh, so I didn't complain to.

[00:12:08] Uh, but, um, I did some contracts out in west Africa, uh, in 2009 down in Guinea-Bissau, uh, which was recovering a load of equipment from an old soul from mine, which was just after a year after the president presidential assassination has been for elections. So it was a crazy time because basically, um, all of these organizations were, they were killing each other, killing literal concerts and things like this.

[00:12:33] And the way they do it is it's a brutal manner. Then as you have been to Africa and you know, that cultures and traditions, but yeah, they've got no problems cut someone's heart out and eat it because they think they're going to get the strength from that person, transfer them to themselves. It's worth on that contract.

[00:12:52] That, that was probably one of the most stressful contracts I've ever came across. Um, in the aspect of how arduous it was. Um, the difficult as we had to move in that equipment. Um, and obviously the threats that were against us and our prime frat that was against us was the police, um, really strange. Does that sound considering when we were licensed and we was all good in that country and we was doing the right thing, we had no problems whatsoever.

[00:13:17] The police surrounded us every day. And I remember there was one day where, and again, these stupid thoughts go inside your head. We had at least 10 of these, um, police officers. We've, AKA's all circled around me. And one of a guy we both had Glocks and that was it. And they were all pointing their weapons at us demanding money.

[00:13:35] And in the course of those two months, we paid out a lot of money to in bribes just to stay alive so we can actually get that equipment out of there. But when I was standing in the middle of that circle, it was literally it's those stupid faults that are inside your head. And I was thinking. I'm going to do is just dive on the floor because it's going to be a comical scene because they will

[00:13:58] continuously through that entire,

Travis Bader: [00:14:09] I guess in hindsight, when you look at that, they, they wouldn't want to slaughter the golden goose there. If you guys are shelling out, that kind of coin to in bribes, it's just a show. But when you're in the, in the thick of it, I mean, you looking down the business end of a firearm, you do what you gotta do.

[00:14:27] Yeah. 

Jay Jordan: [00:14:28] Oh. Um, it turned out, I think it was about six figures that they ended up paying out in, in broad contract. And then we got the stuff out of there and that's the equipment that we're going out. And that was worth millions. Like. Well, then from that end of 2009, I got a hold of a good contract. Time enough.

[00:14:46] Then I went out to Afghan. I spent 11 years in Afghanistan. I only got out of there last year. I was all over that country and I was on all sorts of different projects. It was, it was mental, um, great money at the start. I mean, it's phased out, but in the last, last few years, really, um, but it was something that I was doing good.

[00:15:08] It was what I wanted, what I was doing in Iraq that was starting to die out in Iraq, driving around in three vehicle convoys, actually doing your job as close protection, protecting those that need protecting whether that be NGOs or military officials or whatever. Um, cause it was dying out in Iraq. I was getting bored, but going back to Afghanistan, I was able to do that again.

[00:15:27] Then in Helmand province and I have more vehicles, I was able to train my own team again and we was able to go all over those dangerous areas again. Um, so I enjoyed the working in it. It really lit that fire inside me. It was just fun.

[00:15:42] There's loads of little jobs I've done in between. Um, I, in the printer, I used to provide protection for him when he was going through the cold phase, which was mega. Um, I got paid to go to the Maldives and Sage Hills. Um, and there was also, uh, I got into Molly just after the coup in Marley Marley when the toolbox took over the north, um, that was basically post protection on a, um, the Chinese news network CCTV.

[00:16:10] So, so that was a good contract as well. But overall majority of my time has been, uh, Afghanistan

[00:16:21] in that industry. 

Travis Bader: [00:16:23] So you start by doing, uh, asset recovery vehicles and, and equipment, and you say, Hey, this is pretty good. Uh, let's, let's look at. Human recovery. See if we can start recovering children, like how did that leap start? Because it's sort of a niche industry. 

Jay Jordan: [00:16:45] 100%. It is. Yeah. Without a doubt. So I started the prime focus of everything I've done is close with texts and says looking after people.

[00:16:51] And there's always been that, that, that mission element of looking after people in itself, um, there's been contracts where I've done during the recovery of assets and everything like that. In 2012, end of 2012. Um, I was in Afghanistan and I received an injury hearing injury. My left ear went, um, my age or withdrew back into my elk and had nothing on it from like that.

[00:17:13] So it was, it was hilarious the way that it happened as bad as it was, because literally I do not want this or wish this upon anyone because it is horrendous to feel this it's like noises go inside your head and it's all jumbled up. It's just crazy. Um, I could sit there by myself, have a no problems with the slightest noise comes into that room and that's it.

[00:17:33] My head's a mess. It's like, it's just so confusing. What's going on. But really the company has seriously. If you lose your hearing in any way whatsoever, I might say if it was full blast, I could watch the kids come into the room and talk at the same time as that spot go to a bar, the ambient noise in a bar would literally just destroy me.

[00:17:51] I'll be there for a headache of in an hour and I'll have to leave. It's horrible. 

Travis Bader: [00:17:56] And you still suffer from that now. 

Jay Jordan: [00:17:58] No six month temporary hearing loss eventually came back out. So I was quite lucky in the aspect of it. Um, well the company had to send me home and like I said before, this is where the universe comes into it.

[00:18:11] This is where the universe has always pulled me into the right directions to put me into the right place at the right time. Um, the last contract where I got this injury that I was working on, I was working with a guy that was, um, originally he grew up in Lebanon is British, but he grew up in Lebanon with his dad and my dad always best mates on Lebanon and stuff like this spent most of his life out that doesn't live there anymore at that time.

[00:18:34] So I met him on that last contract, then I got injured. And then whilst I'm waiting to go home. The guy that I knew. Um, and to this day, I still do not remember how I met him, but I'd been talking to him for years. And he was always asked me for a point of contact wherever he was someone that could go in and help him to do what he wanted to do, whether that be advice or whether that be a physical operation, never asked any questions, gave him a name, gave him a contact D and then that was, it didn't have any interest in what he was doing.

[00:19:01] All's I knew that he was in charge of coverage at the same time that I was waiting to go home. He gets in touch and asked me if I can go over to Lebanon to help him out on this job. Um, didn't have a clue what the job was again. But I was like, well, I seem to be in a position where I'm just going home and I've got nothing to do right now.

[00:19:19] So yeah. So, uh, so we'll go home. He meets it with me and, uh, I was living in Cyprus at the time. It makes a mean Cyprus. Uh, we have a chat about what it is. Turns out that I'm a ruined child were being held against their will father kidnapped the child from Australia. And, um, Basically, he was connected to Hezbollah.

[00:19:39] The mother and child were in the Muslim controlled town, which is a Hezbollah controlled town. And, uh, and there was armed personnel all around them all the time. And he couldn't figure out how to get out of there. So I flew over with him and, uh, long story short, because I'm not going to go into too many details about this because I do have a book out which tells you all of the details.

[00:20:03] Um, I go over there, um, within the first seven days of me being over there, it led to us being blocked in by vehicle guys, jumping out with weapons, Ks, and 40 sevens. Um, I was getting around that vehicle and being chased out of town. Um, we had, um, tales on us when we was down in Tripoli. Um, it was, it was just mad.

[00:20:28] And I was thinking to myself, well, is this work? What is going on here? Well, I gave him my opinion. I built up an idea of an operation, um, on knew what he had to do to be able to get them out of that. I didn't know his capabilities. I didn't know what assets he had. It didn't know what the company's assets that he had that was working with advice, which I gave to him.

[00:20:50] And after that seven days, then I left and I went back home. My mind is set. I'm going to get healed. I'm going to go back to Afghanistan, but no worries. I'm happy with what I'm doing anyway. It was about maybe about two weeks, three weeks later, something like this. He gives me a call, tells me that it's quit the case, which bothered.

[00:21:08] Like really bothered me and quit working on that case quit. So he'd been working on that case maybe about six months already. Okay. I didn't realize how much money had been put into this, but afterwards I found out that there was about 140 to 160 grand or something like that that was put into this case.

[00:21:25] So he decided to quit. And then the owner of his company and asked me if I would take on the case and actually go over there to complete it. And I'm sitting there thinking, Ooh, I don't know nothing about the child recovery industry. I don't know nothing about, um, infiltrate, you know, actual tray. I mean, I know stuff in the military, but on the private sector side of it.

[00:21:45] Um, but I've always had the attitude, which is you can do anything you want as long as you don't get caught. Uh, so, so it was constantly there in my head. You could probably do this if you find the right way. Um, I sat down with the misses and we had conversations with the two days later, uh, I was going back to Afghanistan was solid, stable, financially stable.

[00:22:11] Everything's good. I'm enjoying my job. Do I, do I do something here? And the question that kept coming up was who else is going to go over that? Who else is actually going to go and get in that mode or that they've been abandoned now by what four of us at the time, this is a professional company because I've been working for professional companies.

[00:22:31] I would expect that this company that's dealing with children and this, these sort of situations to be a professional company. Right. And, uh, and it, it really dug deep and every single time that question came up, who else is going to do it? Who else is going to do it? Um, and I would say that the majority of decisions in my life has always been, uh, developed through, fuck it, moments.

[00:22:53] It's that, it's that moment when you sit in there and you can't make a decision on anything, or when you write that email and you write that email to someone and you're like, does that sound a little bit too abrupt? And it's like, fuck it, press that book. And that's what it was. Yeah. That's what it is. So the decision was made like that and it was like, no, I can't, I cannot let them sit there thinking that everyone's given up on them.

[00:23:18] So I did, I went over. I get over there. Um, I, again, learning on the job, you gotta remember this. Isn't my forte, this isn't what I do. Right. I was there. I was learning on the job, right? What do I need to do here? I've got to figure this out, out, everything I've learned in the past, when the contracting world, the private military world, the, the military itself, you're always learning on the job no matter what, you always adapting to situations.

[00:23:47] I mean, we've all, we all know the model, right? So that's literally what I was doing for that entire operation. So it was a case of like, right, I need to do this and I need to do this and I need to do this. How do I do this? How do I do this? How do I do this? Um, I need these people, these people, these people, how do I get these people and all this?

[00:24:05] And, uh, it just started working out like that one step at a time, one step at a time. It took me a good few months to do. Power of elimination. I eliminated ideas. I rent eventually realized when I was in Lebanon. The last major attempt I had was, uh, was a meet and there was a run to me and not expected in any way whatsoever.

[00:24:26] I was trying to. To befriend the captain of a boat, um, asking them how it could get packaged out of the country without anybody knowing about it. And to my knowledge, did I know that he took me into an office, which I thought was a boating office where I'd have to bluff my way out of there turned out to be Lebanese mafia.

[00:24:47] They, uh, they strip searched me. They took all my electronic devices. And then I ended up standing in front of the Lebanese mafia in my underwear saying, I need you to get a practice out of this country. It was just weird.

[00:25:05] It was

[00:25:09] just so weird. It was the real Italia. The me. 

Travis Bader: [00:25:15] This is a Hezbollah controlled area of Lebanon wasn't 

Jay Jordan: [00:25:17] no. Yeah, no. So it's at this point where you've got certain areas which are controlled and protected by the molars and Hezbollah themselves very divided. So this was closer towards Christian areas, but this was a Muslim, um, um, Harbor area.

[00:25:35] Gotcha. Um, fishermen's areas. So it's probably mixed anyway, but this guy is in there and the meeting went fine. The meeting was fantastic apart from the fact that I'm standing there in my underwear, complete swap, but he offered me a price. I said, I'll, I'll mull over it. And I'll think about it. The price was extortionate.

[00:25:54] There's no way that we could afford it. And, uh, and that's another thing. When I came onto the case, that's when I realized how little money they had left. Out of that 140, 160 grand. And that was, that was actually originally put into it. So I was quite shocked about that as well. So I'm on a minimal budget as well, to try to fix this.

[00:26:13] I was looking for a small boat to be able to sneak out and then meet. And another boat. Those plans were falling through every plan that I was coming up with was falling through on the Lebanese side. So sitting, I was thinking to myself, I need to regroup here. This, this is not going to work on this side.

[00:26:28] I have to figure something out on a different angle. And, um, I went down to the beach and I was with the grandfather of the kid at the time. And the grandfather is, uh, is one of these blokes who likes to tour and he's done everything. I'm not saying anything bad about him. He was very annoying because he just kept talking to me and talking to her and he was telling me how to do my job.

[00:26:51] And I was just like, that wouldn't work. That's like literally suicidal. You're asking me to get like, um, you know, the kids, no, Boats that you get at the beach and then you float the kids around one of them, I'll be fine. We can hook up some batteries. And I was just like, you're going to die. You go down this road and you're going to die.

[00:27:13] But the more that you spoke to me and as annoying as it was on all of the ideas, cause it was constant pressure on me, 24 hours a day, and I'm still trying to figure stuff out. And it was, it was not stressful thing I've ever done. Um, the more he spoke to me, the more I was like, hold on, I've got a better way to do that.

[00:27:32] And that's when I decided. I need to get about the Cyprus Cyprus. I know, I know everything there is to know about Cypress. I know where to find the right people to do the right job all the time. I did that for a long time at this point. Um, so I was like, yeah, this is what I'm going to do. I booked over the Cyprus and that's when I started hanging around the marina.

[00:27:51] Um, long story short on this. This is where, um, I ended up connecting with the Cypriot mafia. The Cypriot mafia helped me to get a boat within rigged up that boat, which took another week. Um, basically building steel frames on it, um, fish finders. So we could have a cover story on the other side as efficient vessel.

[00:28:09] The story was weak as fuck the cover story to go over there on this boat, it was horrendous, but he works. So we make that all the boat that cost us a fair bit of money anyway, which was extra money that the client had to pay for it. This was a solid plan. I brought in a neck, I'm a Royal Marine commander as a Coxen.

[00:28:28] And, uh, and, and this bloke, he was like one of the most amazing blokes I've ever met because he was nuts. Um, when I say nuts, I'm talking modern Murdoch scale, um, from the 18, when he's like, oh my God, it was boy. He was, he was solid at the same time. And it was like, he was devoted, dedicated 100% straight down line that's okay.

[00:28:53] He's just crazy at the same time. And I thought perfect bloke to take this boat, which I'd hope makes it over 120 nautical miles of sea to get to another country with the cover story. That he did it as a drunken bet that he couldn't make it.

[00:29:14] I swear to God, that was it. That's all. It was, he was drunk in a bar. Someone bet that he couldn't make it to Lebanon and he had to go to Lebanon. And that's why he did it. Um, by the time the boat got there, we put a steel frame on some fiberglass holes for starters. Um, that wasn't good because obviously it starts to shake loose and the fiberglass starts the breakaway and wherever.

[00:29:36] So we have problems with that and we have to get repairs on that on there. As soon as we got down on that side, the repairs were obviously bastardized as best as possible, but there wasn't a solid, um, and his job was to control the water side. And basically he had to do all of the records on the water.

[00:29:51] So he was looking for coast guard vessels that could possibly hinder our extraction. Um, he was looking for any military vessels. He was looking for any fin that could possibly get in our way whatsoever. And the most critical part was that when I'd find a place on the coast, I can get to, from my pickup point, I need him to check if he can pick me up from that location.

[00:30:10] And that was the only communication that we had between each of them until the very day of the operation. It all worked out. There was lots of things that went wrong, but there was lots of things that went wrong. Um, I did the land side of the operation, which led me down so many different roads. Um, but overall, we ended up in a situation where I picked up the mother.

[00:30:30] Um, we ended up in a safe house. I'm not going to go into the details of why, because you can get the book for this. Cause I'm giving a lot away. Right. Then we ended up in a safe house, which was technically the longest night of my life. Um, and then from there we moved onto the boat. Um, and then we got on that boat and I wanted to, one of the hardest parts I fought, I would come across.

[00:30:55] We get that boat and I'm going to go across. We've just proven it comes across the water, but it's broken. What are we going to do to get back considering there's more people on the boat. And again, it was the Cypriot mafia that came to the rescue, which is strange because people are shocked. When I tell you that these organized crime elements, these underground networks work alongside me.

[00:31:18] They work better for me than what the actual forum is do, because they actually care about the.

[00:31:27] And we know who those organizations are and they're the ones that we go after. But when it comes to like cigarette smugglers or your different types of organized crime and all that, that they're, they're big on kids. That really aren't, the Cypress is very family-orientated as well. So that worked massively and they drove a boat out into the middle of the meds.

[00:31:44] So they stayed in the middle of the Mediterranean on the secret side of international waters. We got to that point. And then they picked us up from that, took us back to Cyprus. And then we got the kid in the mobile home. That was my first introduction to something that I've never done in my entire life before.

[00:32:01] And I was like, Ooh, this is all of this. 

Travis Bader: [00:32:06] This is crazy. So the book's called angel in the shadows. And if people want to get that book, he's at a, just through your website. 

Jay Jordan: [00:32:18] Yeah. So, um, we've got it going through the publishers website. We've got it on amazon.co.uk. And currently we're looking at again on Amazon in America.

[00:32:27] So there'll be amazon.com. It's not there yet. Um, the other night we sold two nights ago. Now we sold out on hardback copies and currently this paperback coffee, coffee is a it's available for pre-orders. So I'm still waiting on the date for that to actually come out, but we can get it on pre-orders now.

[00:32:44] Um, we can put the links up as well, and I want to get there on there. So there's loads, loads of wasted. 

Travis Bader: [00:32:53] So how much of this job is client management and strategy planning, the operation planning the recovery, as opposed to the, the actual recovery. 

Jay Jordan: [00:33:07] I would say that the recovery side of things is probably one of the easiest parts of the entire operation, managing clients.

[00:33:15] It's, it's a, it's a massive thing. Um, we have to do everything that we can to continuously keep on top of them because we have to teach them and train them on certain things. We have to be able to, um, control them mentally so they can actually stay calm in the right situations. We have to be able to teach them to, uh, about operational security for starters, because they always want to pass news by home.

[00:33:37] Things like time management is key to success because the minute that someone starts letting things slip and there's information going across electronic communications on, on what we are doing and how we're going to go about it, then the mission is over. It's it's, it's not vulnerable anymore. Um, the planet of the operation is.

[00:33:57] All the time, every single minute, every single day, you're thinking of something you're testing. Um, we plan things into the details because obviously the majority of stuff we do is very covert and the only time. And if anyone knows that we've been anywhere near those sort of areas is at the time of the operation.

[00:34:16] You got to have your cover stories in place. You've got to build your cover stories to make sure that it depends on what situation you were about to get yourself into. You have to step up and take the risks to get the information you need. Um, as an example, some of the operations I've done, um, I've got myself arrested or detained on purpose on a border of two countries purposely to find out what assets that they had now to do that without anything coming back on me, I had to set up a cover story for two weeks and then that cover story had to be solid and obviously nothing true in any way whatsoever about why are you there?

[00:34:51] And then I'd actually go in, commit to this, get myself detained on the border. They would then hold me higher to look into all of the laws, the regulations, what can they do? How can this go? What should I expect? Things like this. I got detained. They questioned me for an hour. They checked out my cover story.

[00:35:07] That question then before. Information about them entire operation on the border for the whole of the country, because they gave me free range to go to the smoking area. So I stand that the smoking area shown the soldiers because soldiers are soldiers and they love to talk about war stories. I would show them pictures of war, talk to them about Iraq, things like this.

[00:35:27] They would try to buy my phone, stuff like that. And then bit by bit, you build that trust in a very short period of time and get all the information that you need. So there's things like that, that you've done. And then, uh, as an example, there's the dangerous risks that the really dangerous ones, um, the last operation I was working on, for example, for seven days, nobody knew where I was.

[00:35:48] That was my own choice because I didn't want to give out anything electronically and announce where I was going. So I was going into an area that is monitored massively for commons. Um, and at the same time as that, I needed to work with underground networks and figure out a way to get out of a certain country across the border illegally.

[00:36:08] Or should I say, or should I say alternatively? Um, I like that. So I was, uh, I was on the, I was on this board and I drove for two days, um, solid, straight one-off as a miles when I got into this location. I got picked up from a certain area, taken out of my car, put into another cloud, driven for an hour. No idea what was going on.

[00:36:31] Then I got taken out of that car, all of my electronics, all of my equipment, everything that I had on me, it was put out or taken out off me, put into another car. I was on driven for another hour, I guess, about three o'clock in the morning. And we ended up pulling up into this clearing in the middle of no man's land between two countries.

[00:36:46] And this is a clear when you purposely designed for smuggling on this board are in no man's land and I've got, I'm surrounded by people just silhouettes all around me. And I've got one guy standing in front of me and he's just gazing how much he can trust me for what the operation is that I wanted to do.

[00:37:04] And if we had the money and it was chaotic because that day there that's when I was like, uh, yeah, you boys might want to start tracking me now. I might be getting into something here. So once I did that, I'll get back. And then, uh, Things started to work swimmingly. So that in itself is a situation where I have to discipline if they didn't trust me on that day, that's it I'm gone.

[00:37:26] Um, I always describe it as the fact that whenever I was working away contracts and whenever I was in the military, the message was always waiting for that phone call to tell her button news. Now she doesn't wait for that phone call. She waits for the day that she doesn't hear anything. It's literally, once she knows we've got ways of communicating, but when she doesn't hear anything for a period of time, that's when she knows it's done.

[00:37:47] And there's no fundamental to that. That's how that's how dangerous it is. And they're the risks that we take to go to those extra, extra elements of being able to make sure we do it, which you won't find them. Many of the companies that are out there, unfortunately.

[00:38:03] She thinks I'm not, she supports me 100%. She supports me all of the way she's been through, been through this since day one with me. And obviously she's been through my contract in days out in Iraq and Afghanistan. Um, she knows, she knows what I'm capable of. She knows how I am and how passionate I am about this.

[00:38:23] Um, because of the thing that I will always will always remind me of what I'm doing, this is that question who else is going to do it? Every case that I take on, I consider it as my own children. What would I do if it was my own children and because of my experiences and because of the life path that I've taken, um, I go to those extreme elements every single time.

[00:38:40] If you take a family that's just gone for a normal life. They have no idea what they're capable of to be able to get these children back. And right, the phone call to the police will always lead into disappointment. If they've gone and they've got no lead once they lose that last lead, then that's it.

[00:38:55] It's done. And the majority of the time that leads to a chain of phone calls from the police, from one district to another district or another district. And if it's international it's to another country and through their districts, and it's a chain of phone calls I've been waiting for, but no one is physically looking and that's, what's always bothered me because if you start physically looking, I've always said, if you look for something, you always going to find it.

[00:39:16] No matter what, if you look into a relationship, you're looking for a problem, you're going to find a problem. If you're looking into your finances and you think that they're solid and you look into it, you're going to find a problem. There's always, you will always find the source of that problem. If you look, and that's what I've always been solid for.

[00:39:34] So, I mean, my boy, he understands what I do. Um, I mean, as a teenage boy, so you can imagine why he thinks my daughter, hasn't got a clue. What I do see literally thinks I worked in an airport because one, she sees me go on, go to an airport once he picks me up and she picks me up from an airport

[00:39:53] and she's, uh, she definitely keeps my head start as well. 

Travis Bader: [00:39:56] Well, the one you're talking about six months in $140,000 or so that the, uh, the client was in for it. And, and buddy says, that's it, I'm out. I quit. And you come on board. Like, that's, that's a lot of money that a lot of people just don't have kicking around and you've taken a very unique approach to a child recovery.

[00:40:18] And your, from what I understand, you're looking at crowdsourcing international child recovery. That's I haven't heard of that being done before. Is this the first time have you heard of this? 

Jay Jordan: [00:40:30] It hasn't been done before. Um, I, it is very difficult to get them without a doubt. And what I can tell you is that it works when we get the donations and why, so working for that company and seeing how much money comes from that company actually took the money that actually went on to the operations.

[00:40:47] No, Was the amount of money that they paid. The majority of that money went into the owner of that company's pocket. So these companies, there's a lot of companies that are out there and there's even more popping up now. And what I've found is that I slightly working for that company, I till kind of case, um, it was a parent abduction.

[00:41:05] Um, the girl reached that age where she could decide where she wanted to live, which may not behave the documents, all of the court documents for custody. All of that became non-employed because now the girl has a decision under herself and she has a legal rights to make her own decision. So I went back to the owner of the company and I sold the owner of the company of the case, going to be completed for these reasons.

[00:41:27] And this is what's happened. And then I witnessed him have a meeting with that client and he took a number 30,000 off that client. And then didn't tell that client for a couple of months that they couldn't do the case. I saw that happen. And I was like, what is going on here? Obviously having discussions and all that sort of stuff, he said, he's going to work on it.

[00:41:47] I knew that he wasn't going to work on it. I ended up bailing from that company. So it started freelancing when I started freelancing, what I realized, because I started speaking to a lot of companies are in the industry and, uh, and all of these companies aren't figured out. Who they were from working for that original company, because they all connected in some sort of way.

[00:42:07] And it's a weird, um, and I'm going to use the reference of tiger king scenario because I've been watching tiger king and again, in the aspects of how fucked up everything is, um, the company I was working for, all of these companies, they hate each other. There's another company that's out there that was massively against every single person and his marketing scheme is to basically slander everybody else off.

[00:42:30] Um, another company when I was in Lebanon, which I found out while I was in Lebanon, was trying to go against everything that I was doing and trying to fuck up the operation because he didn't get the case. So he's not in it for the kids and he didn't get the money out of it. And because he didn't get the money, he wanted to destroy the operation, then turn around and say that this company that I was actually working for.

[00:42:52] Was it bad company. And that's the sort of mentality state dealing with these people. They charge anywhere between 50 to $150,000 or pounds or euros, depending on where you from. They sell you the world. They sell themselves as SF companies, special forces, units, and all that. None of them, not one of them has ever been in special forces.

[00:43:13] Not one of them has ever done very long in the military. Not not one of them has ever been in combat operations overseas. Not one of them. I know this from that history because I got to know them over the years, they sell you the world. We can do this. We can do that. You're vulnerable parents. You've just lost your children.

[00:43:32] You're willing to do anything it takes to get your children back. Right. I need this money. I can't work without this money. You need to pay this much up front or whatever. And then basically you will go and then re mortgage your house or sell your house, sell all the assets that you've got. You'll take out massive loans.

[00:43:49] Whether that'd be from family, whether that'd be from banks, you will do everything you can to raise that cash, thinking that you're going to get your kid back, having that cash over, you won't even get a photograph. You won't even get a report. You won't get any, you literally get phone calls or emails that I can't tell you right now, because we work on the operation, blah, blah, blah.

[00:44:06] And then at the end of it, they'll be like, what would utilize all of the money. Now either pay us more money or do the operations over there. You see the pattern of what happened. That's what happened in Lebanon when the guy quit. So all of that combined together made me realize how screwed up this industry is.

[00:44:23] It's not professional. That don't have professional units that are not professional soldiers and the ripping people off left, right. And center. And it bothered me so fucking much. It's about two, five and 50. And I came up with the concepts and the concept, then I can't stand this anymore. Seeing this happening, they're taking cases on, I'm not getting cases.

[00:44:46] And the reason I wanted to take these cases on was to make sure that they get a professional service cheapest. Fuck, because I know for a fact, if you spend, if you tell me that it's going to cost 50 grand, I've done cases before, where I've lived on the streets for two weeks, I've done cases where I've lived in a car and I'm upset a few of the locals by washing myself and one of their mountain front ends whilst they're drunk and drive.

[00:45:10] So you can imagine what I was doing that cost me a couple of grants. Um, I say that the average case that we call we charge for now or not charge for the average cost of the case that we take on now is about 30,000. Because now we go power assets. Now we push out professional units, we push out backup systems and all this sort of stuff to a certain extent.

[00:45:28] We're not at the stage where we can go as far as I want to, but we are at a stage where we can monitor each other at least. But, um, I digress. They, uh, they started that. I decided that I wanted to set it up and do everything I can to raise money for these families, um, and provide the cheapest possible service.

[00:45:45] If I can raise 10 grand and they pay five brands, then obviously we're in a better situation than anybody else. Plus, I'm going to be able to do what I have to do with a very cheap service as well, but they get the most professional service out there. And, uh, the concept was there for a long time. In 2017, April the 27th, 2017, a young girl was kidnapped from Cyprus.

[00:46:07] I was in Afghanistan at. Because what happened before? Um, before last year I would be in Afghanistan or Iraq and then I'd get a case and then I'll come home and do that case whilst I'm on leave. And then I'll go back to Afghanistan or Iraq. And in the aspect of doing that, what I've found is that cases will come in, but then they'd have to wait for a long time before I can get home.

[00:46:27] Um, I also found that I wasn't spending any time. My family are, which is why last year that was it. I called it all off and I went full time into child with a way to make this work. Right. So, uh, April the 27th child goes missing from Cyprus I'm in Afghanistan. I read it on the newspaper. This is a case that I've read about before, because this was the second attempt of kidnapping.

[00:46:46] This kill one of these companies kidnapped the prime. The prime company that's out there is ripping families off saying that they recover children kidnapped this trial. Yeah. It's fucking Madden. As far as they were looking over on the Northern side of Cyprus, I read the article within minutes of reading the article, or instantly as reading the article as I'm reading it, I knew who did it and where they'd gone, because I know that tactics are how they operate.

[00:47:17] So I started to gain sense through the family and reaching out to the Facebook groups. And I have a, obviously who's working in Afghanistan is reaching out and just go up enough. Same then not that you have to do something and look here because this is what's happening. It took me a while to get my message.

[00:47:32] But once I got out of Afghanistan, April the 27th, and then at the end of June, I'll get out of Afghanistan. I get back to Cyprus and I met the family. When the family met me, then knew that I was fucking solid. Everything that I told him was confirmed because we've got the financial records through another firm like that, to show that payment had been made to that company.

[00:47:51] And within an hour of talking to that family, they sent me information. I got straight on the plane within an hour, and then I flew over to Turkey when I was into. Obviously I was chasing this company down. Now this is some finance that's never been done before. This is a case of chasing the company, a professional company, but having professionals chase them, change the game a lot because I got to the point first time that I went to, I tore that down to pieces of in 24 hours.

[00:48:20] No one had heard anything about this kid, um, and where this kid had gone to. Prior to me going into this village, I tore that town apart for CCTV footage. I got photographs from the locals. I got pictures of the house that they was used in the car that they was using. I got C's in the CCTV footage and I'm actually making a video about this and the mum with my page on account, you see that the girls had a haircut.

[00:48:43] Um, the pictures you could see with her body language with a black turns and it was a, it was a father. Her father kidnapped her, but the way that it was done, the company did this. Was that two masked men grabbed the child, pushed to the, uh, the mother to the ground, outside the nursery, fro into a car. The car van drove for 20, 30 minutes, 40 minutes stopped at the border, handed the child over to a taxi driver, the taxi driver then for across the border.

[00:49:09] And then when she got across the border, she met a bloke who is a father that she didn't know because she hasn't seen him since he was a week old. So it was a complete stranger and all of that trauma to actually be stuck with a complete stranger. So a lot of people talk about this and yeah, but the mother kidnapped her first and all that.

[00:49:26] That's not the case. You don't know the details of the actual story. The mother had never, ever kidnapped that trial. There was no court records that note no history of anything like that. This was a solid case of kidnapping.

[00:49:41] So Saul goes through all of that. So the first time I go, until we get all the CCTV footage, the photographs and everything like this, and it was pretty nuts. Um, I had the Muller and the whole village, like rioting to get me out of that village, by the time I'd finished. And I was standing there by myself, no backup, nothing, no money, or that was a car.

[00:49:58] And, uh, and I'm saying, yeah, I'm not going to go until you give me if you're not an eight. They gave me everything that I needed. And it was amazing. I got some good friends in that village now. Like they actually be friends with me after that. I used to go up there quite on a regular basis and actually get food and stuff like this in the area, long story short on S but the chase took me from one town to another town and I get to one time.

[00:50:22] And among this massive marina. And I saw the owner of that company who kidnapped the kid doing really, really shit. Like as if he was like,

[00:50:35] I had gone my God, 

Travis Bader: [00:50:40] how much of this is a poker game? Would he get into it? Like how much of this is like, obviously it's a poker game where you're actually going to have to throw down if you have to, but the preferred outcome would be to not do. 

Jay Jordan: [00:50:52] Yeah. Um, I've never thrown down. Uh, I'll never give up. Um, it's all about poker.

[00:50:57] It's a little about playing the shots. So for example, when I was over in Turkey, one thing I found because I was working for myself by myself and I had no money and no budget to do anything. So I was alone and I had to keep chasing leads. Um, I recruited the Turkish police by accident. 

Travis Bader: [00:51:16] Have you recruited by accident?

Jay Jordan: [00:51:18] Yeah, they made an assumption. And one thing I believe is that assumption is I'm a rule fuck-ups anyway. So I go into this town and I'm doing surveillance on certain things. There's one in particular that I got a feeling about. It's a sailboat. I got a particular feeling about it. The flag on it, the where it is the way that it's parked.

[00:51:36] Um, I've had information about this town. It's got to be that boat as I'm checking that book. I get cold. Uh, the police that called on me for looking suspicious. I had a red notice on the yellow notice from Interpol. So the red note is, is a wanted notice and international, um, warrant of arrest because this person is wanted for these charges.

[00:51:58] And the yellow notice is for the child say that the child is missing and that child has gone missing under these circumstances. Um, well add them on me on my phone. So when they please took me into ask me, I was doing everything through Google translate, which is fantastic. And I kept saying Interpol, integral, integral, integral, and showing them these Interpol warrants.

[00:52:17] Um, I need to find this guy, this guy is in this town 100%. This has happened. And this is about the father and the trial. This is what's going on. I was in there for an hour. They decided that they wanted to drive me around. This is definitely a long story short because I ended up in a different town afterwards.

[00:52:34] They got covert surveillance teams or how was this for me? And it was just, it was just crazy how much they literally wanted to work with me. Um, once I was in this, uh, in this marina, the guy walks past me. I'm standing outside on a cigarette, waiting for the gentleman to come outside. Jasmine is the Marine police.

[00:52:53] They're going to take me around in the car to introduce me to people. They've got connections to connections, to connections. And this is the underground networks I'm talking about. Do you want to find it underground? That wound no matter where you go always go to a marina, you'll always find them 100% guaranteed.

[00:53:08] I believe it, it works. I'm standing outside and I'm a cigarette. And I see this guy walk past me and I'm looking at this guy. Doesn't know who the fuck it is, but I'm like, why do I recognize it? And he looks at me and does that little glimpse of my content. And I'm there thinking, uh, alarm bells are going off.

[00:53:25] Something's not right. Yeah. I know that low. Why do I know that bloke didn't have a clue? It was at the time that I've spoken to him before never even looked into it or anything. Okay. Walks past me. And then it was like one of those moments, there's a shop on the left side and it was one of those, it's something that I would never do, but it's one of those obvious moments where it's like, oh, look at this.

[00:53:48] This is very interesting. And then he walks over to this shop. So what do you realize is seriously when he realizes that at the shop? He can't really get, cause he's like now straight down the line with me from where I'm standing. So it doesn't really have a good angle to see me or to see what I'm up to to see what's going on or anything like that.

[00:54:07] Um, so across the way this table is right on the, on, on the wall for this tables and chairs for the restaurants and stuff, Um, and there's a, there's a menu on the board, you know, like when you went to the outside areas of the restaurant, they got the menu, the board man, you go inside and it was exactly the same thing.

[00:54:25] Again. What is that? It's the over-exaggeration that brought alarms to me. Um, and you can see is the standard man. It's like looking over like this and looking over like that. And I thought, fuck it. I know for a fact that something is wrong and that is the worst drills I've ever seen in my entire life.

[00:54:48] Yeah. So that was, I needed straight away to know that this guy was actually in that area. Um, well, anyway, that case in itself ended up with a situation where they managed to get on their boat and they managed to get out, even though I was going after the coast guard and I was getting a Marine and managers involved and all this sort of stuff, they managed to get away and they managed to get about to Norway.

[00:55:13] And when they go back to Norway, because of everything that we put in place, first of all, Stopped them from being able to sell. And actually by that time, they had to rush into everything because they didn't have a solid plan in itself. Secondly, we got their bank accounts frozen. Um, we got all the legal sides in Norway and in Cyprus on our sides.

[00:55:32] So the minute, and we have international restaurants at, for him, he couldn't leave any country legally with that child, no matter what. So he would have been stuck in Turkey if he didn't sneak out on a boat. Um, and we put so much pressure onto him that he had to hand that to our back. As soon as he got into Norway, the minute that he touched ground.

[00:55:52] And so it was a long period of time. It was a long period of time waiting for them to actually get from Turkey over to Norway. But the minute that they got into Norway, it was game over, straight away. And that was all because of the pressure that we put on. And that was my first case taking my company life.

[00:56:07] And that's my introduction to all of these other companies. When they, when I was trying to unify and actually get them to work together, then they saw that I was going out by myself and chasing. That's when they start to realize that they're going to have problems. So 

Travis Bader: [00:56:22] knowing what you know now, oh, sorry, go on.

Jay Jordan: [00:56:26] So that's a long way around to tell you about what I'm doing now.

Travis Bader: [00:56:33] Well, knowing what you know now, would you turn around and do things differently. If you could tell the younger you are there things that you'd look at and say, okay, this is absolutely wrong. The right way we should approach it is ABC. 

Jay Jordan: [00:56:45] Yeah. Why would you say different, but there's loads of things I'll do different.

[00:56:49] Um, for example, um, on that Turkey case in itself, first of all, I would have been more operators with me and I would have pushed from money on that case. Um, I was trying to prove that I could do it for free. I was foolish to do that. Um, there were leads that I had to follow, which took me away from leads that were following, which was solid taking me to leads that were being pushed our way purposely to get me away from the distractions.

[00:57:10] I had more manpower. I could have pushed out there, but the whole process of everything that I've gone through in the learning curve, from the very first case, all the way through to now, don't forget that first case is nearly a decade ago now. Eh, th th this in so much learning curve, we've developed formulas, we've developed systems.

[00:57:26] We've developed our support networks with developed after care networks. Um, the situation that we're in is solid right now, and all of our operations are solid in the way that we're actually operating because our network is fast. Um, and it's worldwide, um, with gathering the support from the public, with raising funds from the public now, which we'll talk about now, um, this, this, this helps us massively because one of the biggest hindrances that we've got is finances, lack of finances.

[00:57:57] Um, I want to provide a free service to every family out there. There isn't a family in this world that should go without having somebody physically looking for their child when their child goes missing. Right now, the majority of children that are out there that have gone missing, and you've got to understand these sort of numbers, right?

[00:58:14] 8 million children, every single year go missing worldwide. And America itself would say under 1200 and 50,000 children that reported missing every single again, at least a third of them disappear for good. And the UK alone is 137 to 240,000 children. And at least 10% of those children never found Australia and 20,000, um, Germany, a hundred thousand.

[00:58:36] This is for countries that I'm giving you statistics for and worldwide, it goes up to 8 million. No, one's looking for those kids. How scary is that? 

Travis Bader: [00:58:47] Well, you've likened it before. I remember you saying it's like a homeless person in the streets and people walk by this person in the street and think nothing of it, because they've never been in that situation.

[00:58:59] What, what would you tell a parent or somebody that would help them? Well, I guess twofold would help prepare them. Should they find themselves in a situation and maybe kind of open their eyes to, um, uh, the possibility that they could possibly find themselves in this city? 

Jay Jordan: [00:59:19] Yeah, I think the key to any finish, you find yourself in a situation that already too late, unfortunately.

[00:59:24] Right. Um, and that's not too late to do anything about it because that's what we're here for. Um, get into towards that situation. There's always elements of planning, majority of kidnappings or abductions in the world. Randomly just picked off the streets. Oh, there's one to take that. And let's go. Um, even when it comes to sex trafficking or slavery trafficking of humans for slavery, which is a massive industry in the world now, um, or even if it comes to organ trafficking, it's not a case of randoms.

[00:59:53] There's always an element of planning. It might not be sophisticated planning, but there will be an element of planning. Um, an example would be the Cleo Smith case, which has recently happened out in Australia. Um, she was taken from a com site and then taken back within a two mile radius of her own house, which means that that was planned prior to going into that campsite purposely, which will give him destruction.

[01:00:13] This planet does elements of planet. So the biggest key that anyone can do is awareness. Be aware of your surroundings, be aware of what is happening around you. Be aware of faces that you're starting to see on a regular basis. Be aware of setting patterns. If you go to school, go different ways. Every single day, you don't have to go at the same time.

[01:00:31] You don't have to go the same way and things like this. Um, just be aware if you walk them with your kid, don't stand on the, on the, on the don't let the child stand on the side for the road or we stand on the roadside. So therefore there's someone between the road and so on between the kids educate the kids about school.

[01:00:48] If they're at school, never, ever go to a teacher outside of the school, to their car, to actually help them on something, you will always go inside the school. The teacher should never ask your children to do that. And I use that as an example, because two kids were kidnapped in Cyprus and luckily the police found them very quickly.

[01:01:03] Well, it was at the position where they'd already been intoxicated or something, and they was unconscious and the guy was very living, very close to the school, found a CCTV funded, but it's things like that that kids need to be educated on it's things like that. The families need to be educated on. Um, and that leads to the point of not happening in the first place.

[01:01:21] When we work in cultural texts and risk management. We don't work in close with texting because we are the guys that throw out bodies in front of the target spot in front of our client's body to protect them. If you get to that point, you failed. That's as simple as it is. It's all about knocking into that situation.

[01:01:36] Read the signs that are around you. If you read those signs around you and you can figure out something is about to go down, or you have a feeling that something is going to go down because of things that you've seen and heard, and the Street's gone quiet, for example, just as an indicator. That's as simple as it is.

[01:01:55] If you end up in that sort of situation, do the process, go through the full process, but be open to the service that we provide. Not enough people know about it at the moment in the world. There's a lot of people that click an unsweet and it's fantastic. And I reckon that within the next year, there's going to be a hell of a lot more people that know about it, but be open to the services, call the police 100%, call the police.

[01:02:17] You don't have to wait to call us if anyone calls us and we've got the funds or you've got the funds, then we will respond and we will do everything as quick as possible. One of the fastest cases that we've ever completed, it took us two hours. There was a girl that was. And she was groomed to run away, to be with her groomer for sexual gratification.

[01:02:37] From the groomer, her father called us sway, a mother called the police. At the same time, we responded by getting guys on the ground straight away. They started to move into a location. We entered the location, that the area of where they were because we had the home from, from a while away. Um, we built up an entire online profile.

[01:02:56] We got an address of where she was going to go up an online profile of the target. We got all of his criminal record history with all of his social media accounts. From his social media accounts. We saw what type of girls he was targeting, how he was targeting them, where he was targeting them. Um, we built all of that off and we got people out the door within a two hour period before the police had knocked the door to ask questions to the mother.

[01:03:18] Wow. The reason we could do that is because we had a pot of money there. So I'm trying to provide a free service and the way that I provide a free service or the concept of me, how I want to try to provide a free service is it's, it's probably the most simplistic concept that there could possibly be 30,000 pounds for an average international case.

[01:03:39] I don't know what that translates to in Canadian dollars. So you have to go to ecc.com to check it out. But, um, 30,000 per 30,000 pound, 15,000 people donate in two pounds and 7,500 people donate in four pound, gives us one international case population planet 7.8 billion price of a cup of coffee averages about four pounds.

[01:04:01] Do the maths, it's all. It's going to take one cup of coffee, not even that half a cup of coffee every single month. All of you donate to that. We can get international cases. Million people donate two pounds. I can put permanent teams in Canada, Australia, America, South Africa, and mainland. Um, we can dominate and take the fight towards the enemy.

[01:04:24] Take the fight towards the kidnappers. Take the fight towards sex traffickers because you create an, a veteran military force or ex military force, which is using the skills that we've been taught over a long career within the military and private military and private security industry to actually go out and do something that's right.

[01:04:41] To actually look after our kids. Cause nobody else's that's, that's literally the entire concept of what we're doing. Donations that we take on. It comes in many forms. We've got merchandise out there. So prom proceeds from the merchandise that goes into, uh, raising funds for general, uh, from the general public.

[01:05:00] We've got the book for sale, um, which is now for presales on the paperback. We've got Patriana, which is a monthly subscription, was given early access and exclusive access to images, stories, and access to my mind. More importantly, because then you get to know a little bit what's going on inside there.

[01:05:19] What's the one operations and obviously there's the there's, there's the normal stuff of PayPal, um, uh, crowdfund and for just giving and, um, Casha we have. Okay. But that's, that's the concept of what we're trying to create. We have to be able to get to the point where we create that, that, that will make us successful.

[01:05:38] If we create that pot, when we've got that pot, I get tagged at least 10 to 20 times every single day in a missing case. There's that day, that goes by where I don't have somebody on the phone crying, maybe because that kid's gone. There's not a single day. That goes by. Even on the weekends, I have tons of calls about this, really.

[01:05:54] If we had that pot and someone called us at the right time, Right time then, uh, we can respond to immediately. 

Travis Bader: [01:06:06] So I guess that would open up a little bit of an ethical quandary as well. When you talk about the recovery of, of children, when most of the children are, uh, from statistically, it it'll be a parental abduction.

[01:06:19] Is that, uh, how have you found that? 

Jay Jordan: [01:06:21] Yeah, statistically, a lot of our cases that we've taken in right now, our parents with deductions, the way that parents are deductions work, it's very complicated. It's very difficult. Um, again, like I say, it's not the only thing that we take on. We do take on the love of the things and we're leading up to a lot bigger things with our affiliations, but parents are books can become very complicated.

[01:06:40] The first one that we have to analyze straight away is what's going on? Why did it happen? And why are you calling us to do something? Because you as a parent are over the victim or you're the cause. And that sounds really bad to say. But it's true. I've had parents get in touch with me and clear as day on the first initial phone call within seconds of them talking to me.

[01:07:03] I know for a fact that they are recalls, they are trying to manipulate me. Um, with that narcissistic ways. They're trying to do anything that they can to, or emotionally blackmail me in every single way possible. And you can pick up on that with intuition. You can pick up on that and experience and talking to people and things like this.

[01:07:21] Um, then you get the real side of it and you get the ones that you literally have to do the investigations on. So we take on a case and we look at it and we're like, all right, this sounds solid. Let's check it out. We will check out the case, check all court documents and court documents. A lot of details.

[01:07:36] Of what's happened, why it's happened? Um, criminal records, background checks to check that there's no cause for alarm, when it comes to the fact, if there's any charges towards the partner, who's ran away with the child, whether it'd be from domestic abuse or, or, or anything like that. Uh, we then analyze both sides of the family, extended family, all social media for friends and family, to see if we can find that from there, we scour the internet to find out anything that we can possibly find.

[01:08:05] And that's before we even take on a case. 

Travis Bader: [01:08:09] That's fantastic. Cause I know I would think anybody who's putting money into the pot would want to have a bit of an idea of, of how you deal with that quandary, but that's the most pragmatic way. 

Jay Jordan: [01:08:24] Yeah, it has to, it has to be checked out. We do psychological analysis on the, on the client as well.

[01:08:30] And we figure everything out with that. And it's all, this is why a lot of people get in touch with me and they say, oh, can I have a job? Um, you can see what sort of levels that you have to get to, to be able to do a job like this. It's not something that you can go in the military and then just walk in the military and say, I'm going to do this because you don't have those skills, the skills you don't have that experience, you don't have those qualifications to be able to tease those sort of levels, because there are so many elements that you have to play in when it comes to the case itself.

[01:08:57] When a parent's with duction, for example, um, there's always a lot of confusion. First of all, parents live deductions and not safe abductions. It's, it's one of the biggest misconceptions on this entire planet where people believe that parents are deductions are safe, abductions. Even the police can categorize parents.

[01:09:14] Abductions is going to see productions is wrong. It's completely wrong. No matter what at the lowest level of a parent's love deduction, the child is going to go through. Mental abuse or parental alienation that's at the lowest level, I've seen cases that have been taken, taken to the extremes where a parent has kidnapped her own child, or even a boyfriend has kidnapped the child of that partner.

[01:09:35] And this is one that happened in Romania very recently. So very recent case. It came out about two weeks ago, physically killed the children and then killed themselves just to leave a psychological impact on the parent Muslim. That's how bad the parents abductions get. I haven't worked on a parents that duction case where there hasn't been some sort of psychological elements involved in it, mental illness involved into it.

[01:09:59] I've had parents that have been frightened to kill their kids. If anybody goes near the house, um, uh, physical, actual, physical violence on the kids recently, I've had a grandmother that's been poisoning her own child, which is the mother of the actual kid and her grandchild, um, just for the psychological elements of control over them.

[01:10:19] Right. It's a massive misconception to say that they're safe when it comes to a parents that addiction and the recovery of, of a child has been a victim of the parents that duction, um, a lot of people think that we're kidnapping. Um, it's always described like that because there's always another misconception of how it works.

[01:10:37] The cases that we take on the parent that we're taking it on with the client has the legal rights to take that child back. And the reason he has, or she has the legal rights is because they've gone through the courts and they've taken on full custody. They've got the Interpol warrants out, which is the warrant for arrest, and they've got the missing, missing a yellow notice, which has been issued, which gives us international, um, help from Interpol.

[01:11:02] We can literally assistant to assist us with local authorities to be able to help us with that. Sometimes we use them with sometimes. It depends on what country we're in, what the situation is outside of that. And then got the international Hague convention, which orders an actual, um, uh, document, uh, a court order to say that the child has to be returned back to the place of habitual residence.

[01:11:24] Now, with all of that combined, you then have to get execution orders with inside that country to execute the order, to return that child back to that country. And because of the hate convention. And as long as that country is part of the hae, then they will, should, or they have to in theory, issue that execution.

[01:11:44] So when you go through with that execution, this is where we come into it. We actually at school and we provide closure to. This is why we it's important for us to have a close protection and the medical background as well. When you go in for locals protection, we also, then they have a sense of authority of power towards the authorities that are around them because they see that we're there as strange as it sounds, being British also helps us massively when we're going into a country, such as a third world country, they see it and they actually enforce our orders as their own orders.

[01:12:16] It's a psychological element. It is, there's a lot of nations out there that subservient and things like that. And then all of a sudden that sort of psychological element plays into power as well. Um, so the parent will always be the one that picks up that child. We will never touch that child. We will never ever do anything to that while we will only protect them as a client, as a close protection plan, and we'll give them preventative protection to make sure that they're safe to get them out of that country and return them back to their home country.

[01:12:39] And that's the difference in apparent. We haven't gone after sex traffickers yet. This is something we're building up to. And it's like, I've said many times the more cases that we take on, it's a matter of time before we walk through a door and we've got more kids there. And then that leads us into a completely different element, which is the element that we're trying to get to, which is why we create any affiliations with these large groups, like our parents for just fair for child rescue in America as well.

[01:13:05] Things like enough, 

Travis Bader: [01:13:07] Jay. That's fantastic. You know, I'm, I'm looking at the time here. Is there anything else that we should be talking about before we kind of wrap things up? 

Jay Jordan: [01:13:18] Um, I mean, I could go on all night. Hi, 

Travis Bader: [01:13:24] I'm loving this stories and really we could, we could talk for a while. I'm just, I'm trying to be conscious of your time.

[01:13:29] Cause I know you've got a family and how we've scheduled. This one is in between things here a little bit. 

Jay Jordan: [01:13:33] Yeah. I've got a lot of conferences coming up tonight as well. I think the prime things are out there. I think there's going to be a lot of questions raised. Um, and those questions we can always come back to on different podcasts or we can go into live on or animal control and join and ask any questions that you want to.

[01:13:51] But, um, I, I think, I think the prime points are covered on it all. Um, it's, it's complicated and it's in depth and I've only, I've only touched the surface of. 

Travis Bader: [01:14:05] Well angel in the shadows, Jay Jordan of Pegasus ops. We're going to have links up on YouTube. We'll have links up through the podcast and if you want to see more, click those links, see what Jay's up to.

[01:14:17] If you have it with you need to be able to donate. It's a worthy cause. Consider it, Jay. Thank you very much for being on the Silvercore Podcast.

Jay Jordan: [01:14:24] I appreciate you having me on man.

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